Scaffold Replace

Replacing outdated files and links just got simpler

Scaffold Replace allows institutions to replace or update course content, such as links and embed codes.

What is Scaffold Replace?

Scaffold Replace by K16 Solutions is an automated link replacement and updating service that allows for a more rapid transition to a new technology provider. This service is powered through our proprietary technology and replaces what used to be a manual, resource-intensive process with sophisticated but simple automation.

Replacing and updating content across multiple courses no longer has to be a timely and complicated process.

  • Fast

    Using an automated conversion process, ContentReplace can update links across your entire catalog of courses faster than any other option on the market. Usually within a few days.

  • Accurate

    Content is updated instantly and accurately across thousands of courses in just hours.

  • Affordable

    Automation eliminates the need for human resources, significantly driving down costs and timelines.

“With K16 Solutions, once the video file migration with Kaltura was complete and the content was there for K16 Solutions, they moved it. Immediately. In one day. The first time I learned about what K16 Solutions could do, I didn’t believe it – I thought it was too good to be true, but my skepticism turned out not to be warranted."
Kevin Downum
Director of Academic Technology, Arkansas State University

How does Scaffold Replace work?

Scaffold Replace uses API’s and other proprietary methods to replace and update course content within your LMS platform without having to download or extract data from the system. Whether you are updating links and embed codes as you change video providers or are moving to a cloud-based offering.

Moving to your new technology provider has become more streamlined than ever!

Update Content Quickly

Scaffold Replace eliminates the need to manually find and replace content in your learning management system.

  • Replace outdated content in your courses
  • Transition to a new video platform like Kaltura, Panopto, or Yuja
  • Update instruction sets or support links

Step-by-Step Process

How Scaffold Replace works for clients moving to a new video platform:

  • New provider migrates your content to their platform
  • K16 Solutions accesses your LMS
  • Test sample courses
  • Convert content
  • Content is updated, and courses are ready to teach
“We were very impressed with Northeastern University’s migration from Kaltura to Panopto. K16 Solutions automated the deletion and replacement of obsolete links and replaced them with correct mapping to Panopto files. The large volume of videos they updated saved a significant amount of manual time and effort.”
Dave Neway
Panopto, Vice President of Marketing

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